Category Archives: Notice

Questions about ‘Money Puzzles

Some questions I’ve been asked about ‘Money Puzzles’, ahead of the first UK screenings in Crewe, London and Liverpool over the next few days. What are the origins of ‘Money Puzzles’ and how do they fit in with your background … Continue reading

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What the big media don’t show

Paris 29 November 2015. [vimeo][/vimeo] By chance I was in Paris for the weekend. No demos are allowed in Paris because of the State of Emergency following the November 13 terrorist attacks, so at midday protestors organised a human chain … Continue reading

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The next chapter: Argentina

The next chapter: Argentina, or, What happens when a country can’t pay its debts? During the six month stand-off between Athens and Brussels, which we documented in Greece on the Edge?, while European intransigence was driving Greece ever closer to … Continue reading

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Greece on the Edge? The Film

The mood in Athens as Greece approaches the crunch. [vimeo][/vimeo] Greece is being punished by the obstinate, pig-headed, anti-democratic plutocracy of the EU and the IMF for the crime of electing the wrong government, a government that opposes austerity as … Continue reading

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“I Like Students’

or ‘Me gustan los estudiantes’: Mario Handler at St Andrews The Uruguayan documentarist Mario Handler came to St Andrews recently for a symposium revisiting New Latin American Cinema of the 60s through the Uruguayan case. The event was able organised by … Continue reading

Posted in Chile, Cultural Politics, Documentary, Film matters, Notice, Protests, Video | Tagged , , | Comments Off on “I Like Students’

Nice for swans

Very high six metre tide at 5pm this afternoon outside my front door and round the corner on Putney Embankment.

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