A message from Osama

June 3rd
Dear All
Your love and energy kept us strong all the way through to face the ugly face of hate, death and injustice

I am back again and tonight I saw the story for the first time on TV. I was not aware that you could see us as we did not know that people were watching us live and we are sooooooooo glad that our media strategy worked to reveal the true ugly face of Israel

I have not much internet but a quick update and to let you know we made the first phone call to organising this time 20 ships soon to leave to Palestine

I lost two friends who we buried today and my priority is to get the Injured sorted and many other things. My phone and all my belongings were stolen including money and passports by Israelis so I have nothing left sooooo please send me your mobile numbers. I was used as a human shield and beaten loads, escaped bullets but am ok and ¨normal ¨ – what ever that means

I can’t remember all the emails so can you please send wide to those who were asking after me

I will not have internet for 3 days and I have not read the 700 new emails so am just reading the news and the emails but it will take time to get back to all of you.

Yours in struggle and please remember our ten martyrs and over 50 injured and all of us on board wanted to break the siege that should be the only price that we should all accept for the blood spilled.
Yours in struggle
Osama xx


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