Dance Against Deficit Lies – The Video
[vimeo][/vimeo] 14 January 2011, Bank of England
[vimeo][/vimeo] 14 January 2011, Bank of England
Ed Miliband has come out fighting in today’s Times arguing that “a great deceit designed to damage Labour has led to profoundly misguided and dangerous economic decisions”. The truth is uncomfortable for the Government. Ed Miliband writes (£): “What is … Continue reading
‘Coins fall victim to the cuts’ was the headline in the Morning Star, while the Daily Mail had ‘Coins on the cheap’. The Royal Mint, they reported, is to use cheaper metals in order to save £10m a year. Everyone … Continue reading
There are a surprising lack of convincing explanations as to why the capitalist class is pushing through the present unprecedented austerity drive – even at the risk of provoking both mass opposition and a double-dip recession. The following excerpts, from … Continue reading